Ararat Farm Newsletter September 2023

Happy Fall Yall! It’s hard to believe that summer is over and autumn is knocking on the door. It’s been a bit since the last newsletter. September was a pretty busy month and we failed to get a newsletter written before the month was over. So here is a late update on what has been happening on the farm. This month was very busy with Matt the manager flying out to CA for another wild fire detail. We opened our seasonal Fall Beef orders which kept us busy with organizing orders and customers. As well as the normal summer hum on the farm with chores. It’s been busy but as we come close to our Fall Beef deliveries it is with a thankful heart to the Lord that we have been blessed with good animals, happy customers and a job that we enjoy.

Summary of September:

  • Late Summer Herd

  • Sorting Day

  • Busy Piggies

  • Little Farm Hand Help

The Herd

Late summer grazing has just a autumn feel about it even before fall is fully here. The focus of the last month of grazing was making sure the herd had ample amount to eat and moving them daily to have the freshest of salad bars. As we come close to their one bad day it is important that we keep animals very fat and happy which they definitely were this last month. Thanks to the few good rains we had early the summer grazing has been excellent this year.

One Bad Day

As we always say these cows have the best life with only one bad day. We spent an afternoon and sorted out all the cows ear marked for Fall Beef orders which went very smoothly. It’s a big job and sometimes a long processes but so rewarding when everything goes smoothly and low stress to the animals.

The Pigs

The piggies have done well through the summer. Especially the few days we did have rain. They all would come up the same color, a solid brown color, evidence that they had been enjoying a muddy puddle. We are nearing the season for acorns which a pigs favorite season. They love acorns and we love the flavor of the meat when they eat acorns. So they are getting nice and fat in prep for winter pork season.

Little Farm Hand

When Matt is away for fire details Little Farm Hand is included in more farm chores then normal. This gives lots of adventures and has provided her with opportunities to learn how she can help on the farm too. She has become very skilled at untying the poly wire off posts and of course she checks out the creek every time we are near.

Better Late then Never

Well, that wraps up Septembers update. We are sorry we didn’t get one out sooner but life on the farm does not always provide time for everything. We hope that you enjoyed the update and we will see you for the next newsletter, hopefully more on time.

Your Ararat Farm

Matt Watson