Ararat Farm Newsletter August 2023

Happy Middle Summer Everyone,

We hope you all have been having a good summer. It’s been a pretty wet and hot August here on the farm. We have gotten a lot of rain this month which has been great for the grass during the summer season. Everything has gone smoothly while Matt has been gone. All the animals have been doing well. Cows grazing through fields at a rapid rate and the pigs are enjoying the ponds that the rain has made.

Summary for August:

  • Happy Summer Grazing

  • Scrap Season for Pigs

  • Canning, canning, canning

  • Some days just go that way…

The Herd

It’s been a hot month for the cows. They have been grazing through their fields very quickly due to the side herd and the heat. All the calves are spunky and keeping up well with the herd and are so funny to watch play chase.

The Pigs

This season is piggy scrap season. Lot’s of produce from the garden and canning done means a lot of veggie scraps for piggies which they are always so excited about. All these pigs are so busy and always coming up to get a scratch and say hi.

Canning, Canning and more…

With personal gardens producing an abundance of produce (praise to the Lord), so much canning have been taking place. On the off times of fencing and moving cows or feeding pigs a bunch of pickle canning has been done!

Some days are just like that…

Most days go smoothly with no mishaps and some days just end with the jeep sliding off a logging road and you have to call for help. All jeeps were not harmed in the making of this picture but have share some of the downs too.

That’s a Wrap

Well, that should bring you up to date on everything for this month. It’s been a pretty calm and smooth month. We hope you have a wonderful rest of your day and thank you for visiting with us today. Until next time…

Your Ararat Farm

Matt Watson