Ararat Farm Newsletter October 2022

Hello Everyone,

We know it’s been a while since any real update. The month of October has been a whirlwind. We only the last week have had a calm spell to enjoy the beauty of this season. Between Fall Beef orders and Farm day preparations and event and just the normal farm chores have kept us very busy. Thankfully all the animal have been doing well during this dry fall so far. So, let’s get started…

Summary for the month of October:

  • The small fall herd

  • Big Piggies

  • Farm Day Fun

  • Fall Beef Delivery

  • Basket of Kitties

The Herd

The herd is doing pretty well. We are back down to a very small herd now which has saved on the very dry fields. The cold weather has started bringing on the cows winter coat. The calves are so fluffy now.

The Pigs

The pigs have greatly enjoyed the crop of acorns this fall. They are getting to be very big pigs and doing well. They have appreciated lots of snacks this fall with cooking down pumpkins and tomatoes.

Farm Day

This year’s Farm Day went very well and the day was very beautiful with cool temps, sunshine and the colors starting to turn. It was a great turn out with lots of fellowship with friends and family.

2022 Fall Beef

What a whirlwind! This year’s Fall Beef orders were overwhelming. Thank you so much to all of you who ordered Fall Beef this year and bearing with us. Orders for 17 animals has been the biggest order yet with a lot of organizing involved. We thank the Lord for making the day be completed well!

A Basket of Kitties

So just for fun we wanted to include this basket of kitties. As we had cool weather hit the kitties pretty much stayed in any basket they could find. Just a pile of fluff.

Well that all Folks

Well, that is the update we have for you all. We thank you for visiting with us today and enjoyed the update. We hope to see you next time and that you have a great rest of your day.

Your Ararat Farm

Matt Watson