Ararat Farm Newsletter March 2024

Hello Everyone,

We hope you all are doing well this spring season! Things got just a little busy the last few weeks of March and we failed to get the newsletter out on time but better late then never. We had normal chores as well as trying to wrap up welding projects, prepping for chicks, buying stockers for spring beef which is right around the corner. On top of that we squeezed in a fire detail to Texas too. So let’s get started on the update.

Summary for month March:

  • It’s calving season!

  • New stockers

  • Little pigs not so little…

  • Baby Chicks are on the farm!

  • Little Farm Hand

The Herd

Tis the season for calves! We have 4 adorable little calves on the farm so far. They are healthy and frisky little things as they keep up with the herd in the field everyone has been wintering on. So far the field are nice and green but still to short to be grazed yet so the herd will be staying on their current field with hay till hopefully mid to end of April. This should give the grass time to grow enough to not stunt the growth.

Stocker Season

This spring we have been trying to buy up stocker cows in prep for Spring Beef which is right around the corner. It has been much harder this year due to the high calf prices and we are trying to buy bigger animals to have better weights for Spring. It’s been hard but we found a few for spring and have started getting some in prep for Fall Beef as well when we find them.

The Pigs

The little piggies are not so little anymore. We still have about half bigger and half littler but these guys are getting nice and plump. They may be short but they are nice and round and a few waddle when they walk. They are getting more and more friendly to the point they come when they here us call. We love having them in the barn! It makes such a difference in temperament and gives them such a great start in the colder months.

Pastured Raised Chicks!

Ararat has chicks on the farm now. This year we opted to brood our own birds due to changes at our brooder we had been using. Matt designed and welded the brooder coops together and we are borrowing some of the brooding equipment. The chicks have been on the farm for several days now and other then a heat lamp issue, they have been doing well. We had one lamp catch on fire and damage some equipment. Thankfully we didn’t loose any birds during but we have slowly lost several over the last several days after. It was frustrating but praise the Lord we didn’t loose the entire coop and they are all perky now in these warmer days. There are always lessons to be learned in everything.

Little Farm Hand

It’s been a while since we have updated on Little Farm Hand…who isn’t so little anymore. She has become quite a big helper now as she feeds the dogs, helps check the chicks, feed the horses and check the pigs. She has had such an imaginary mind as she reaches the 5 year mark in a few months. Her best friends are her kitties and York who puts up with a lot but truly adores her.

That’s All Folks

Well, that should wrap up the month of March for you. It’s been busy as the spring rush is upon us now. These warm days make us think of gardening and sorting cattle for beef and putting pigs on pasture. But, we are still trying to take time to still appreciate all the blessing we have been given in the work and enjoy this spring season instead of rush to the next. Thank you for visiting today and we will see you at the next newsletter. Have a wonderful rest of your day!

Your Ararat Farm

Matt Watson