Ararat Farm Newsletter April 2019


Dear Friends and Readers. Happy April! Spring has come into full swing at your Ararat Farm and all God’s creatures great and small are loving it. Calving season is in full swing, all manner of birds are singing in the trees and all the plants are either budding out, greening up or in full bloom! Spring is such a reviving season. No wonder it’s during this season that we celebrate Christ Jesus resurrection!! Old life passing away to make all things new!

Here is the summery of April:

  • Several New Calves have been born!

  • Cows are finally enjoying the sweet taste of fresh green grass

  • New stock cows for Spring and Fall beef added to the herd

  • Spring Beef Orders opening very soon!!


The Cows

By God’s sweet mercy we have had an additional 4 calves born since the last newsletter. Three of them are healthy frisky little things running around the field with their stubby tails straight up in the air. One calf sadly did not make it. We found it without a mother cow that claimed it and it was not strong enough without the mother. As hard as it is to loose a calf God always has a reason even if we don’t see what the reason is.


The Rest of the Herd…

As you can probably tell the herd is in a different field and no longer on the ridge. A few weeks ago we moved the cattle off the ridge after the big rains past. They were in the barn lot for a little while to give the main field a little more time to grow.


Once the grass was ready…

We ear tagged cows that lost their tags over the winter and tagged the new calves and fixed bulls into steers. We added 8 stocker cattle to the herd as well. They will be for Spring and Fall beef. Then we turned the herd into the lush green field. We are starting the rotational grazing now and trying to move them through fast so we have good regrowth.



It is always so satisfying to see happy cattle on green fields. It’s like a kid in a candy shop.



There is the update for April. We hope that you enjoyed it!

Spring Beef is right around the corner so don’t miss it. Keep checking your email to make sure you don’t miss the order opening!

Your Ararat Farm!

Matt Watson